Tomo Mortgage April 2021 – Oct 2023
Role: Senior Visual Designer
As the mortgage startup’s first visual designer, I branded and designed across all product and marketing touchpoints alongside our small team of UX designers.

From defining Tomo’s brand guidelines to visualizing the POS flow to developing collateral for product launches to overhauling the home buyers’ closing cost worksheet, I got to collaborate with teammates (product managers, marketers, front-end engineers, loan officers, sales, HR) who were enthusiastic about changing the homebuying industry. 

Listings Portal
Branding, Product, Iconography

Print, Emails, Landing pages, Swag

Affordability Calculator
Product, UI, Visual Design, Information Architecture

UX/UI, Branding, Illustration
Optimizely Brand Identity 12.2020-01.2021 (6 week sprint)
Client: Episerver (acquired Optimizely in Oct 2020)
Agency: co:collective
CD: Steph Price
Strategy Lead: Marilyn Markman
Role: Visual Brand Designer
When Episerver acquired Optimizely in October 2020 and ultimately rebranding as Optimizely, they needed an unifying vision and purpose. Co:collective was tasked with defining a clear brand story that articulates brand truths and value to customers and employees in the digital experience space. The rallying quest was to “Empower people to unlock digital potential.”

This was also an opportunity to create a new Optimizely brand identity that expresses an exciting beginning to this new chapter. From designing the new logo to developing a dynamic visual system, we focused on Optimizely’s new quest and unlocking endless possibilities.

Our logo represents how Optimizely strives to unlock digital potential through constant experimentation and discovery. It features:

A foundational shell

The unit that stays in place, creating a feeling of stability and confidence. Through the use of a bold blue and azure blue, this core exudes strength, trust, and potential.

Experimental blocks

These colorful quarter-pieces create different formations, alluding to the many possibilities we can discover when we iterate. When the quarter-pieces move around and rotate in the 3x3 grid, we get a total of about 10,000 combinations which speaks to Optimizely embracing a creative culture of constant experimentation.

Upward progress

Our logomark creates an upwards movement, allowing viewers to see the learning, growth, and progress we make possible.

Dynamic symbol of possibilities

Co:Collective Designs
A collection of my work as
co:collective’s visual designer.

Organization and Culture Practice
Launch Event / Booklet design
Do or Die Labs
Product / Website design and simple graphics

Organization and Culture: Reinvention Workshop
Product / Graphics and wireframing

Calling Bullsh!t Podcast
Logo & Branding / Podcast cover
Co:Collective Org+Culture / Reinvention workshop 05.2020
Amid the Coronavirus pandemic, co:collective launched a new offering aimed to help team leaders reduce team anxiety and amplify their teams capacity for reinvention.


Product page design

Material+ (Formerly LRWGroup) Visual ID Rebrand 03.2020
After acquiring 10 agencies in just a few years, LRW Group tapped co:collective to join the portfolio under a new unifying Quest, architect their offering, name the new company, and develop its visual identity.

We developed a brand book that included a manifesto, logo guidelines, language guidelines, tagline, color palette, graphic elements, presentation template, and some company swag.
Client: LRW
Agency: co:collective
CD: Courtney Bowditch
CW: Charlie Glassman
Role: Designer

Edelman 18th Annual Trust Barometer 2018

The Trust Barometer is the PR firm’s annual trust and credibility survey conducted by Edelman Intelligence. It is an online survey about the four institutions (media, government, business, and NGOs) with over 33,000 respondents.

This year's research reveals a world of seemingly stagnant distrust. Yet dramatic shifts are taking place at the market level and within the institution of media. Trust in the U.S. has suffered the largest-ever-recorded drop in the survey’s history among the general population, which is driven by a staggering lack of faith in government.

Co-Design Lead

Co-designed the re-branding of Edelman's 18th annual survey on the global state of trust.

Main deliverables include the brand look & feel, key imagery, presentation design, print material (agendas, brochure cover, posters), and digital (social gifs, interactive data experience) for Edelman's Davos conference at the World Economic Forum, as well as their NY preview event. 
User experience desktop click-through


Guardian Insurance Digital experience 06–09.2019
Founded in 1860, Guardian Life Insurance has survived a century of change. So when a new crop of nimble, streamlined digital insurance start-ups entered the category as challengers, it was time for the company to evolve again.

Our task was to build a best-in-class digital experience following the rebrand done by The Working Assembly. I worked closely with the UX designer to create and test the website experience in five responsive screen sizes as well as WCAG accessibility standards, and with the design director to design out key webpage templates for this digital overhaul. 
Client: Guardian Insurance
Digital Agency: AnalogFolk
Design Director: Ben Howarth
UX Designer: Christine Lavarda
Role: Visual Designer

Presentation + Layout 
A variety of presentation and document layout design that includes new business pitch decks, brand guidelines, reports, etc. 


Brand Tone of Voice Guidelines

MINI Cooper

Branded Communication
Bike King App Branding / Logo Design / UX

Working app prototype available for download:


Bike theft is very real in NYC.
You might lock down your bike in a secure-looking spot, but then come back to a missing bike seat, tire(s), or your whole bike.

We want to create a forum on the app where a community of cyclists can report any shady encounters.