Edelman 18th Annual Trust Barometer 2018
The Trust Barometer is the PR firm’s annual trust and credibility survey conducted by Edelman Intelligence. It is an online survey about the four institutions (media, government, business, and NGOs) with over 33,000 respondents.
This year's research reveals a world of seemingly stagnant distrust. Yet dramatic shifts are taking place at the market level and within the institution of media. Trust in the U.S. has suffered the largest-ever-recorded drop in the survey’s history among the general population, which is driven by a staggering lack of faith in government.
Co-Design Lead
Co-designed the re-branding of Edelman's 18th annual survey on the global state of trust.
Main deliverables include the brand look & feel, key imagery, presentation design, print material (agendas, brochure cover, posters), and digital (social gifs, interactive data experience) for Edelman's Davos conference at the World Economic Forum, as well as their NY preview event.

User experience desktop click-through
